Instruments Beyond Borders (IBB) is a registered, charitable society that supports music education in disadvantaged communities at home and abroad.
Instruments Beyond Borders collects donated musical instruments in good working condition and delivers them to youth orchestras, bettering the world one instrument at a time. IBB also raises funds to support music education programs.
IBB is entirely volunteer. We believe that access to music contributes to a child's development as a confident, complete, and fully realized person. We have been inspired by programs around the world that make music education available to the most disadvantaged children.
Since its founding in 2013 IBB has supported two youth orchestras, the Saint James Music Academy (SJMA) of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, where over two hundred children receive free after-school music lessons from professional teachers (along with a nutritional snack), and the Recycled Orchestra of Cateura, Paraguay, where children play instruments made out of recycled garbage. We also partner with Universal Outreach, the Music Therapy Association of British Columbia and Música Para La Vida in Mexico.
All of these orchestras harness the power of music to better children’s lives and support social change in their respective communities. Through these initiatives, Instruments Beyond Borders is truly changing lives, one note at a time.
Instruments Beyond Borders gratefully accepts instruments that are in good condition. Please deliver instruments to these depots:
Moar Music, 3731 Main Street, Vancouver (778) 708-7057
Tapestry Music, 4440 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver (604) 736-3036
Killarney Secondary, 6454 Killarney Street, Vancouver (604) 713-8950
IBB depends on public support. Please consider becoming a donor.